Youth Basketball League
Thanks to our 2025 Sponsor

Youth Basketball League 2025
* to get the in-district discount, you must show proof of residency at our office BEFORE registering your child. If you register your child before showing proof of residency, we will NOT provide a refund.*
Youth basketball League rules and regulation
1. TVRPD Youth Basketball League shall be open to any youth who does not exceed the listed grade requirements.
2. Players may not compete in younger age divisions.
3. Competition will be divided in the following divisions (proof of grade and age may be required):
• Kinderball Division
• 1st-2nd Grade
• 3rd-4th Grade
• 5th -6th Grade
• 7th-8th Grade
• 9th-12th Grade Division (players that are 18 years old must still be enrolled in High School to be eligible to play)
4. A player may compete for only one team and in one age classification. Any player competing on more than one team or in more than one division will be declared ineligible.
5. Any player currently on a team roster and found ineligible shall be removed from that roster. Games the player has participated in will not be forfeited with the exception of the game in which the protest was lodged. However, if a player is found participating, and not on a team roster, that player will not be allowed to participate, and any games he/she has played will result in forfeiture of those games.
6. Players may be added to a roster only upon approval of the Recreation Manager.
7. The team roster may not exceed 10 players.
8. Any player found registered in the wrong division (based on grade) will be removed immediately from said division. If there is room available in players correct division (based on grade) they may be placed in said division upon the Recreation Manager's approval.
- The use of indoor facilities is a privilege granted by both TVRPD and TUSD. It is a privilege that can be revoked unless all program coaches, players, parents and spectators comply with the following regulations:
- No food or drink shall be allowed in the gymnasium unless approved by TVRPD.
- No motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards or any other type of vehicle shall be allowed.
- No smoking allowed in the gymnasium or on the park grounds.
- No gum will be allowed.
- Tennis/athletic shoes and shirts are required in all facilities by players.
- Abusive language by anyone will not be tolerated.
- Remember, TVRPD activities are alcohol and drug free. Any player, coach or spectator guilty of alcohol or drug use will result in immediate removal.
- Coaches responsible for their teams' conduct before, during and after their games.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for their child(ren) as well as any other family member and/ or friend(s) in attendance to ensure all League Rules and Codes of Conduct are upheld. This applies to all youth and adult spectators in attendance at all times.
- The parent/guardian having affixed his or her name on the registration form acknowledges the responsibility to uphold and abide by the Code of Conduct established by TVRPD and herby understands that failure to do so may result in an indefinite suspension from further participation in the sports programs conducted under the jurisdiction of TVRPD.
- Profane language by players, managers, coaches, or spectators will not be tolerated.
- Players using profane language will be ejected from the game.
- Coaches and managers using profane language will be ejected from the gymnasium. Failure to comply with this ruling may result in higher action taken.
- Spectators using profane language will be ejected from the gymnasium. Failure to comply with this ruling may result in higher action taken.
- Unsportsmanlike harassment of game officials, and/or opposing teams by players, coaches, managers or team participants will not be tolerated.
- Game or league officials may bar a player, coach or manager for an entire game, after formal warning during an official time-out.
- Two technical fouls for the above on any one player, coach or manager is an automatic ejection from the game.
- The third cumulative, technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct of players, coaches, and/or managers will result in an automatic forfeiture of the game.
- Coaches will be directly responsible for the conduct of their spectators.
- If, in the opinion of the game officials, unsportsmanlike conduct is flagrant, ejection may result with or without prior warning given.
- Volunteer Coach Shall:
- Strive to set an example of good sportsmanship and conduct as a coach as well as influence the proper attitude of all members of his/her team.
- Refrain from any objectionable demonstrations regarding the decisions of an official or the actions of opposing coaches or players by use of profane language, obscene language or obscene gestures.
- Abide by all TVRPD league rules and regulations, governing play.
- Not at any time lay a hand upon or strike any official, coach, spectator or player.
- Act in the capacity of a leader, not as a manager, or a coach of a professional team. Be sure to remember the sensitivity of youths and young adults.
- Refrain from smoking in the gym or on the grounds and shall not, at any time appear in the gym while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Not refuse to abide by an official’s decision.
- Assume full responsibility of maintaining a proper attitude and conduct of all members of his/her team.
- Work towards the understanding of a wholesome and rewarding sports-for-fun concept.
- At all times win or lose, part with opponents on friendly terms.
The coach, having affixed his or her name on the coaches’ application acknowledges the responsibility to uphold and abide by the Coaches' Code of Ethics, established by TVRPD and hereby understands that failure to do so may result in an indefinite suspension from further participation in the sports programs conducted under the jurisdiction of TVRPD.
- A coach who violates the Code of Ethics shall receive, at the minimum, a verbal warning from the Recreation Manager. At maximum suspension or removal for up to five years from all TVRPD facilities and/or assault charges filed (depending of severity of violation).
- If a second incident occurs, at the minimum, a coach shall receive a written letter from the Recreation Manager, informing him/her that an additional incident shall necessitate removal from the program. At maximum suspension or removal for up to five years from all TVRPD facilities and/or assault charges filed (depending of severity of violation).
- If a third incident occurs, a coach shall receive a written letter from the Recreation Manager informing him/her of his/her removal from the program. At maximum suspension or removal for up to five years from all TVRPD facilities and/or assault charges filed (depending of severity of violation).
- Only the head coaches’ child is guaranteed a spot on the team. That child is to be selected in the first round.
- Child of potential assistant coach does not have a guaranteed spot on the team. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- If a coach does not have a child in the league, this may select any player in the first round.
- If a coach does not attend skill evaluation/draft, staff will draft that team at random.
- Players who are not present for skill evaluations may not be selected during the draft. Those players will be randomly placed on a team. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Siblings in the same division must be selected together unless otherwise requested by the parent. This will result in the back-to-back selections. Example: Sibling A is selected in round 3, sibling B must be selected in the 4th round.
- Trades between coaches/teams will NOT be allowed.
In the Draft Room:
- The order of the draft will be determined by a hat pick.
- A snake style draft will be used. Order example: round one 1-10, round two 10-1, round three 1-10, etc.
- Each coach will select their practice day/time and team color.
- Rules and Regulations will be reviewed.
- Rosters shall be limited to no more than 10 players.
- A team must present at least (4) players to start a game. At no time may a team continue to play with fewer than (4) players.
- To replace any player that may drop, the coach must contact the Recreation Manager.
- Any replacement due to a confirmed drop will be taken from the waitlist in the order in which they came in. At no time may a coach request to pick up a specific player off the waitlist.
- Each team must wear jerseys issued by TVRPD.
- Team jerseys must be tucked in at all times.
- All players, coaches, managers and spectators on gymnasium floor must wear appropriate shoes, tennis shoes or basketball shoes. No high-heeled shoes allowed on gymnasium floor.
- Players wearing glasses should wear elastic band to prevent them from falling off.
- No watches, rings, earrings or other type of jewelry may be worn by players.
- Any other safety equipment must be approved by the game official.
- Any coach not playing a youth due to disciplinary action or medical reasons must notify the scorekeeper and the leader on duty prior to the start of the game (specific reasons shall be listed). This action must be approved by the Recreation Manager prior to the game.
- Any team not complying with the minimum playing rule will automatically forfeit any game involved.
- Basket Height - 6.5-7 Feet.
- Basketball Size - Junior Size, 27.5.
- Game is four 6-minute quarters - Running clock.
- The first 15 minutes of the hour will be dedicated to warm up and practice drills (aka mini practice).
- The game shall begin with a jump ball at center court.
- Each player must play a minimum of half the game.
- An official timeout will take place halfway through each quarter.
- There shall be a 3-minute halftime.
- No three seconds in the key violation.
- No back court pressing allowed. Defense line shall be at the half court line. Maximum of 3 defenders allowed in transition at half court press line.
- Defense pick up line shall be at half court
- Defensive team must defend inside of the 3-point line.
- Each defensive player shall play man-to-man defense. Coaches will receive color Velcro straps for their jerseys to help assist with this concept (for example: players on opposing teams with the blue strap will guard each other).
- Score is not kept in this division. Please do not encourage players, teams , or parents to keep score. This is a developmental league.
- Double dribble/traveling: Coaches should encourage players to dribble the ball. Double dribbling and traveling is not a violation unless it is clear the player is violating purposefully to gain an advantage
- Double dribbling and traveling shall be called if the player makes little or no effort to dribble or pass the ball.
- There is no stealing. Only the intercepting of a pass is legal. This is to emphasize good defense and allow the offensive player the ability to dribble.
- Players cannot foul out.
- There are no free throws. The ball will be taken out of bounds for all fouls/violations.
- There are no playoffs.
Substitution Rules
1. All players are required to play a minimum of half of the game. Substitutions are made only at the start of a quarter or timeout. Free substitution will not be allowed, unless the following exceptions:
1. a player becomes injured 2. A player fouls out 3. A player gets ejected
If a player arrives late, (after the game starts) they are not required to play in the first half. They are required to play at least ½ of the second half of the game.
2. All coaches must submit their player substitution forms prior to the start of each game.
a. Must submit official TVRPD form
- Basket Height – 8 Feet.
- Basketball Size - Junior Size, 27.5.
- Game is four 8-minute quarters - Running clock.
- The game shall begin with a jump ball at center court.
- Each player must play a minimum of half the game.
- An official timeout will take place halfway through each quarter.
- There shall be a 3-minute halftime.
- No three seconds in the key violation.
- No back court pressing allowed. Defense line shall be at the half court line. Maximum of 3 defenders allowed in transition at half court press line.
- Defensive team must defend inside of the 3-point line.
- Each defensive player shall play man-to-man defense. Coaches will receive color Velcro straps for their jerseys to help assist with this concept (for example: players on opposing teams with the blue strap will guard each other).
- Score is not kept in this division. Please do not encourage players, teams , or parents to keep score. This is a developmental league.
- Double dribble/traveling: Coaches should encourage players to dribble the ball. Double dribbling and traveling is not a violation unless it is clear the player is violating purposefully to gain an advantage.
- Double dribbling and traveling shall be called if the player makes little or no effort to dribble or pass the ball.
- There is no stealing. Only the intercepting of a pass is legal. This is to emphasize good defense and allow the offensive player the ability to dribble.
- Players cannot foul out.
- There are no free throws. The ball will be taken out of bounds for all fouls/violations.
- There are no playoffs.
Substitution Rules
1. 1. All players are required to play a minimum of half of the game. Substitutions are made only at the start of a quarter or timeout. Free substitution will not be allowed, unless the following exceptions:
1. a player becomes injured 2. A player fouls out 3. A player gets ejected
If a player arrives late, (after the game starts) they are not required to play in the first half. They are required to play at least ½ of the second half of the game.
2. All coaches must submit their player substitution forms prior to the start of each game.
a. Must submit official TVRPD form
- Basket Height- 9 Feet.
- Basketball Size - Intermediate, 28.5.
- Game is four 8-minute running quarters with the last 2 minutes of the game regulation time if the game is within 10 points.
- There will be a minimum and maximum playing time for each player. Please refer to page 11, Section C, for full details.
- Free substitutions will not be allowed. Please refer to page 11, Section C, for full details.
- An official timeout will take place halfway through each quarter.
- Teams will have an additional 2 timeouts to use at their discretion.
- There shall be a 3-minute halftime.
- 3-point field goal will be in effect.
- 5-seconds in the key violation will be in effect.
- 5 personal fouls before a player becomes disqualified.
- A technical foul committed by a player will count as both a personal and team foul.
- There is no back court pressing allowed until the final two minutes of the game (unless the defensive team is leading by 10 or more).
- Offensive team has 10 seconds to advance the ball unto front court.
- Defensive pick up line shall be half court (except the 2 final minutes of the game).
- Back court violation will be enforced.
- Each defensive player shall play man-to-man defense. Zone or other types of defenses are not allowed.
- Stealing is allowed.
- Double dribble and traveling violations will be called but will be slightly lenient.
- There will be 5 fouls per quarter for each team. Fouls reset every quarter. There will be 2 free throws after 5th team foul.
- There will be no free throw violation.
- Exception: If player purposefully crosses the line with intent to offensive rebound.
- Free throws are taken 2 feet in front of the regulation free throw line (approx. 12-13 feet).
- Overtime is 2-minutes. Clock stops on the last minute of overtime. After 1st overtime, the game will go to sudden death (no clock; first team to score wins).
- Each team will have one additional timeout.
*TVRPD follows CIF rules with the following modifications*
1. Basket Height- 10 Feet.
2. Basketball Size – Girls - 28.5. Boys - 29.5.
3. Game is four 8-minute running quarters with the last 2 minutes of the game regulation time if the game is within 10 points.
4. There will be a minimum and maximum playing time for each player. Please refer to page 11, Section C, for full details.
5. Free substitutions will not be allowed. Please refer to page 11, Section C, for full details.
6. An official timeout will take place halfway through each quarter.
- Teams will have an additional 2 timeouts to use at their discretion.
7. There shall be a 3-minute halftime.
8. 3-point field goal will be in effect.
9. 3-seconds in the key violation will be in effect.
10. 5 personal fouls before a player becomes disqualified.
- A technical foul committed by a player will count as both a personal and team foul.
11. There shall be back court pressing unless a team is leading by 10 or more points.
- Team down can backcourt press. Team up cannot backcourt until score difference is under 10 points.
- Team down has 10 seconds to advance the ball up to front court.
- Defensive pick up line shall be half court (except the 2 final minutes of the game).
- Back court violation will be enforced.
12. Each defensive player shall play man-to-man defense or zone.
13. Stealing is allowed.
14. Double dribble and traveling violations will be called.
15. There will be 5 fouls per quarter for each team. Fouls reset every quarter. There will be 2 free throws after 5th team foul.
16. Overtime is 2-minutes. Clock stops on the last minute of overtime. After 1st overtime, the game will go to sudden death (no clock; first team to score wins).
Each team will have one additional timeout.
- Free substitutions are not allowed. Team must substitute at either
- The beginning of each quarter.
- Or at the 4-minute timeout.
- Substitutions that are put in the game may not be re-substituted except for the following exceptions:
- A player is injured
- A player has committed their fourth or fifth foul in the first half
- A player becomes ejected
- Teams at any time found removing from the game a player that has not yet met the minimum playing requirement may become liable for forfeiture of that game.
- Every player must play at least half of the game and must play in each half.
- If in the event a player arrives late, (after the game has started) they are not required to play in the first half. They are required to play at least 1/2 of the second half of the game.
- If a player fouls out prior to the 4th quarter or receives their 4th personal foul in the first half:
- The opposing coach shall determine what player enters the game. This time shall not count against said players sit time.
- If a player fouls out in the 4th quarter, their team’s coach may choose who enters the game and it can be any player.
- Player Substitution Break Down (unless one of the listed situations listed in item #1 applies):
- If a team starts with 5 players, every player plays all 4 quarters (32 min.).
- If a team starts with 6 players, 2 players play 4 quarters (32 min.), 4 players play 3 quarters (24min).
- If a team starts with 7 players, 6 players play 3 quarters (24 min.), 1 plays 2 quarters (16min.).
- If a team starts with 8 players, 4 players play 3 quarters (24 min.), 4 players play 2 quarters (16 min.).
- If a team starts with 9 players, 2 players play 3 quarters (24 min.), 7 players play 2 quarters (16 min.).
- If a team starts with 10 players, every player plays 2 quarters (16 min).
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: At anytime be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor, lay a hand upon, shove, strike, or threaten an official, player or other adult. Officials are required to immediately remove said offender from facility or field and report incident to the Office. Said offender shall not be allowed to return to Valley- Wide facility or field until his/her case has been considered by League Director.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Based on severity of offense, probation with the possibility of suspension or removal from ALL Valley-Wide leagues, facilities, and fields for one calendar year or more.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Suspension or removal for up to five years and/or assault charges filed.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Be guilty of abusive verbal attack upon any player, official or spectator. Officials are required to immediately remove said offender from facility or field and report incident to the Office. Said offender shall not be allowed to return to Valley-Wide facility or field until his/her case has been considered by the Recreation Manager.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Probation with the possibility of removal from ALL TVRPD leagues for one calendar year upon review.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Suspension/removal for up to five years. Applicant must re-apply after suspended period.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Refuse to abide by official’s decisions. Officials are required to immediately remove said offender from facility or field and report incident to the Office. Said offender shall not be allowed to return to Valley-Wide facility or field until his/her case has been considered by the League Director.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Placed on probation for the remainder of said season.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Suspension or removal for two league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at officials’ decisions.
- MINUMUM PENALTY: Warning by officials.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Removal by the official for the remainder of current game, with automatic one game suspension thereafter.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: discuss with an official in any manner the decision reached by said official. Only the coach or assistant coach of the team may do so in a calm and reasonable manner.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Warning by officials.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Ejection by the official for the remainder of the game. Upon ejection one game suspension thereafter.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Appear at practice or game of play at any time in an intoxicated condition. Officials are required to immediately remove said offender from facility or field and report incident to the Office. Said offender shall not be allowed to return to Valley-Wide facility or field until his/her case has been considered by the League Director.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Removal for two games and placed on probation for one calendar year.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Removal for remainder of the season with review after said period.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Be guilty of gambling upon the outcome of a play or game with any other person. Officials are required to report immediately any violation to this rule to the Office.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Placed on probation for remainder of season.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: Suspended/removal for the remainder of said season.
- NO PLAYER OR ADULT SHALL: Smoke at any TVRPD park or facility.
- MINIMUM PENALTY: Warning and/or removal by official.
- MAXIMUM PENALTY: One Calendar year probation and up to a two game suspension.
- The parent/guardian having affixed his or her name on the registration form acknowledges the responsibility to uphold and abide by the Code of Conduct established by TVRPD and hereby understands that failure to do so may result in an indefinite suspension from further participation in the sports programs conducted under the jurisdiction of TVRPD.
- Any player or adult being placed on probation for any reason and is once again reported for violations of Code of Conduct, will be suspended for the remainder of said season.
- Any player or adult removed from a game, must leave the facility in a calm fashion immediately, failure to do so will carry a maximum penalty of suspension for the remainder of said season.
- The Recreation Manager will consider each case and rule on these in a timely manner. Penalties may be adjusted due to severity of incident or repeat behavior.
Youth Basketball Rules and Regulations
Co-Ed Kinderball
Registration | open |
Cost | $87 (65.25 with in district discount) |
Head-Coach Discount | $10 |
Sibling Discount | $10 |
Includes | Reversible Jersey |
** Pictures are NOT included in registration ** | |
Location | Aspen Builders Inc. Activity Center, 410 West “D” Street |
Season | January 4 - March 8, 2024 |
Game Days: | Saturdays, games begin between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM |
Co-Ed 1st-2nd Grade & 3rd-12th Grade Boys & Girls
Registration | open |
Cost | $138 ($103.50 with In-District Discount) |
Head-Coach Discount | $30 |
Sibling Discount | $10 |
Includes: | Reversible Jersey |
** Pictures are NOT included in registration ** | |
Location: | Aspen Builders Inc. Activity Center, 410 West “D” Street |
Season: | January 4 - March 8, 2024 |
Game Days: | Saturdays, games begin between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM |